Brand as a strategic resource of a company
Okładka tom 23


brand strength
brand value

How to Cite

Zaba-NierodaR. (2013). Brand as a strategic resource of a company. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 23(2), 231-243.


Having a strong brand and effective management thereof provides companies with a strong instrument with which to compete. In a recognized brand customers notice significant emotional benefits, which has a direct impact on the increase in the value of the product to the customer. A strong brand is becoming a way of distinguishing between the company with its products and the competition, and a way to build a sustainable competitive advantage as well as enhance the value of the company. The brand is one of the sources of the company’s value and the brand value positively influences the value of the company. Makes, brands, logos—these concepts are becoming increasingly important for Polish companies. It is not only the effect of increased competition on the Polish market but also of the foreign expansion of Polish enterprises, which is rapidly accelerating. Having one’s own well-known brand is a guarantee of profitable exports. The brand is the capital that needs to be nurtured, wisely managed as well as multiplied. A strong brand is the outcome of good investment that provides higher income and greater investor interest. Strong Polish brands conquer not only the domestic but also Western markets: Polish food, cosmetics, furniture or boats all provide the Polish with reasons to be proud of. The strength of a brand lies in its unique character, the impression it evokes and, frequently, the social status it indicates. A mere creation of a strong brand allows for building a market position and achieving a sales success.


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