The development of the real estate market in the context of sustainability
Okładka tom 23


green buildings
deregulation of real estate professionals
financial market
development direction

How to Cite

ChrabaszczK. (2013). The development of the real estate market in the context of sustainability. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 23(2), 65-74.


The author presents contemporary issues and current trends in the property market, including touching timely and important topic as sustainable development and applies it to the real estate market, especially the construction sector. The first part is a description of regulatory changes in the real estate and financial markets. You can find information on the deregulation of real estate professionals and new professions which have recently been in the field of real estate brokerage. In the second part, the author goes back to the definition of sustainable development, the beginnings of the formation of the concept, to be able to provide a description of the implementation of the concept of sustainable development in the real estate market, especially in the construction market. The last part is devoted to ecological construction, the so called passive houses. The author presents the examples of the construction and operation of passive buildings in Poland and the opinions of residents and builders. The article ends with the statement that rising energy costs in the future and the requirements of the European Union will be important factors in determining the choice of modern house buildings technology. Eco-building is now eco-efficient and economically justified.

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