Effects of colours on the attitude towards an e-commerce website: A multicultural approach
Okładka tom 23


colour in e-commerce
national culture
attitude towards the website
affective states
buying intent

How to Cite

PeletJ.- Éric. (2013). Effects of colours on the attitude towards an e-commerce website: A multicultural approach. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 23(2), 163-170. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2013.02.163170


The aim of this research consists of studying the effects of the colours on the formation of an attitude towards an e-commerce website according to the nationality of the user. Colours used at the website can be a major element in the design of the interface by introduction of easily identifiable areas within the website. On the basis of semi-directive interviews, information about French and Tunisian Internet users were obtained to identify their perception of the interface of e-commerce websites. The topics referring to the national culture and to the affective states experienced by the consumer in the context of shopping on the Internet emerged. The findings reinforce the effects of the colour variable by consumers. They also show differences of perception according to the country of origin.



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