Regression models of fertility and registered unemployment rates in the Wielkopolska region by districts in the years 1999–2015
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registered unemployment rate
fertility rate
Wielkopolska region
districts of Wielkopolska
correlation analysis
regression analysis
indices of dynamic

How to Cite

ChromińskaM. (2017). Regression models of fertility and registered unemployment rates in the Wielkopolska region by districts in the years 1999–2015. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 34(2), 13-33.


The purpose of this study is to identify variations between fertility rates in correlation to registered unemployment rates of different districts in the Wielkopolska region and to provide the type, direction, and strength of potential correlation between the two variables: birth rates and unemployment rates. This study hypothesizes that registered unemployment rates influence the fertility rates within the Wielkopolska region. The range of time covered by this study is between 1999 to 2015. The data used in this study was sourced from the Regional Data Bank (1999–2015) and is available on the Polish Central Statistical Office website. In the exploration stage, the fertility rates in 1999 were used as a base for all comparisons when describing the indices of the dynamics. To determine the impact of registered unemployment rates on total fertility rates, a two-way factorial regression analysis and correlational analysis were conducted. The results indicate that fertility rates between 1999 to 2015 varied, in terms of the relationship strength and direction, between the Wielkopolska’s districts. A similar pattern was discovered in relation to the registered unemployment rates. In the research process, the hypothesis confirmed a correlation between total fertility rates and registered unemployment rates. The regression models used described the fertility rates in relation to registered unemployment rates, in most of the districts, as linear and pointing in a negative direction. The coefficients of determination are differentiated by place of residence.
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