The influence of online reviews on customers and travel agencies
Okładka tom 23


social media
online reviews
web 2.0
travel agencies

How to Cite

KatsoniV., & Laloumis D. (2013). The influence of online reviews on customers and travel agencies. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 23(2), 123-130.


The past couple of years the tourism industry has undergone massive changes. Not only does it struggle with economic crisis, but it also had a bit of a crisis itself when online travel shops popped up. Along with these new websites came online reviews, where people could tell other people about their experiences and which are becoming more and more important in the vacation buying process, since tourists are more likely to consider buying a vacation when there are reviews available. Social media are a new form of online marketing, and recently became one of the biggest word of mouth advertisements online. In this article, the focus will be on the changes in tourism industry because of social media and online reviews, as the effect on both hotels and travel agencies from the immense changes in their industry is examined. The online reviews phenomenon has become a social convergence trend, where specialized travel websites and hotels alike increase their sociality by adopting applications which enable real-time sharing of contents among the visitors.


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