The outline of educational and vocational counselling diagnosis in schools of Tarnów County
Okładka tom 23


Inner School Vocational Guidance System
school centre of professional advisory
school carrier counsellor
job orientation process

How to Cite

MysiorR. (2013). The outline of educational and vocational counselling diagnosis in schools of Tarnów County. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 23(2), 149-162.


The amendment to the Education Act extended the mandatory tasks of school to the obligation of providing support in preparing students to enter the profession together with the area of future study. This article is an attempt of diagnosis of the school career counselling based on the research conducted in secondary schools and upper-secondary schools of Tarnów County. The purpose of the article, addressed mainly to the teachers, is to draw attention to the problems connected with the students school support (in the phase of career planning and further education) and effectiveness evaluation of the school career counselling in the context of students expectations. The first, theoretical part of the article presents an overview of formation of the decision making entity. In the second part of the paper, beginning with the sixth chapter, the results of research conducted in the last ten years in secondary and upper-secondary schools of Tarnów County are presented. The first secondary school studies confirmed the dramatic demand for advisory assistance, which was one of the essential prerequisites to create a network of school guidance centres at secondary schools. A recent study showed the progression of advisory activities. Also, the structure of support expected by the students has changed. Online students, unlike their older colleagues, do not expect help in planning but support in understanding their personality. At the end of the article, apart from the conclusions, a recommendation for widespread school career counselling is included.


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