Child–parent relationships determinant of social status in the child group
Okładka tom 25


child-parent relationships
parental position
self-esteem of the child
social status

How to Cite

Karcelianska-Stancheva V. (2014). Child–parent relationships determinant of social status in the child group. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 25(2), 89-96.


The material presents a study of child–parent relationships in contemporary Bulgarian families as a determinant of the social status of the child in the child group and their impact on self-assessment. Essential parameters determining the parental position, the confidence of the child in the family and the relationships between them are being explored. Data interpretation is directed towards characterizing the correlations between: relationships and the social status of children; relationships and the self-esteem; social status and the self-esteem of children for design of the educational potential of the family and proper upbringing and education of the children. The significance of the results that have been obtained is groundwork of projecting educational potential of the family for adequate upbringing and education of children who are pro-socially oriented. On the other hand the data are a basis for rethinking about the connection between the social organizations—the family and the kindergarten for togetherness in the actions and understandings of the upbringing and development of the child.


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