Corporate Social Responsibility in Bulgaria: Advantages and challenges
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corporate social responsibility
enterprise strategies

How to Cite

LyubenovaM. E. (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility in Bulgaria: Advantages and challenges . The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 25(2), 127-134.


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a part of business contribution to sustainable development. The corporate social responsibility is a new socio-economic phenomenon and its manifestation in Bulgarian companies business is current and little researched topic. There are various definitions for CSR, but the common issue is the responsible obligation of business to make contribution to sustainable economic development, to working labour relations, their families, local communities and society, improving the quality of living. CSR is considered as form of corporative management, regulating relationships between companies and the surrounding world. The paper outlines the genesis of CSR conception, turning into a successful business strategy for sustainable development and its manifestations, concrete practices of responsible social behaviour. The article reveals important aspects of the implementation of the corporate social responsibility in Bulgaria. Some specific characteristics of CSR are observed, related to public and social activities, environmental protection, human capital, labour conditions, etc. There are presented the author’s views on them and the results of their empirical studying.


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