Estimation of investment attractiveness for enterprises in Ukraine
Okładka tom 25


investment climate
financial reporting

How to Cite

Krupka Y. D., & Bachinskiy V. (2014). Estimation of investment attractiveness for enterprises in Ukraine. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 25(2), 117-125.


The article deals with comprehensive analysis of an investment climate in Ukraine and the influence of different factors on it. The author investigated the directions of improvement of economic assessment of enterprises in Ukraine with the purpose to attract new investments. Methods and ratio system for estimation of investment attractiveness of enterprises are characterized, the integrated approach is offered for determination of the most attractive ventures for investing. Such estimation can be done by thorough study of economic activity: analysis of their property conditions, capital turnover, profitability and financial stability, liquidity and market activity. And their ranking to the unique integrated index will allow discovering the most attractive for investing subjects. The simplest method of ranking is a construction of rating row with an appropriation to each of the probed enterprises of the concerned place on separate indexes or directions. The summing allows setting the final place of every enterprise in the system of rating.


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