The interdisciplinary programme model and an evaluation of the practices in education
Okładka tom 25


Interdisciplinary instruction model
integrated programmes
planning education

How to Cite

KarakusM. (2014). The interdisciplinary programme model and an evaluation of the practices in education. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 25(2), 71-87.


This study which evaluates teachers’ views with regard to the practices of interdisciplinary programme model in education aims to identify primary and secondary school teachers’ suggestions about the interdisciplinary programme model, the practices in education processes, and the effective implementation of the model. The participants were 29 teachers, 18 females and 11 males, from five different branches. The data were collected through a semi-structured interview form consisting of 6 questions and analyzed descriptively. The participants were found to be in favour of establishing connections between the courses. They were found to believe interdisciplinary instruction had many educational advantages and report that they could establish interdisciplinary connections with other courses. Some constraints mentioned by the teachers regarding the method were causing chaos in the lesson, drifting away from the topic, prolonging the time allocated for the topic, and not understanding the borders of the disciplines. It is recommended to take necessary actions in order to help teachers to use the method effectively in educational practices; to give importance to interdisciplinary education programmes in both undergraduate education and in-service trainings; and to redesign educational environments in a way to support interdisciplinary instruction.


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