Slums as a place of tourist reception


ecological exclusion
social exclusion

How to Cite

SalaK. (2020). Slums as a place of tourist reception. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 46(2), 97-106.


Contemporary tourism is a phenomenon on a global scale. The numer of participants in global tourism is constantly increasing. Only in 2018, 1.4 billion trips were made. Like all phenomena in the world, tourism is also constantly changing. Variation may concern travel directions, but also the reasons for it. Visiting areas of social exclusion and poverty are among the most original motives for travelling. The purpose of the publication is to show that slums around the world can be an important place for tourist reception, while being places with a specific quality. Research methods used in the work are literary criticism and analysis of existing data. The publication was written using compact data, scientific articles and netographic data. The results of the scientific analysis clearly show that slums as tourist destinations bring with them a varied tourist valorization, including the opportunity to get to know local entrepreneurship, organization of everyday life, difficult life or survival in specific living conditions.


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