An analysis of the requirements of external stakeholders and their impact on the introduction of process measures and indicators in institutions of higher education in Poland—selected issues
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quality of didactic process
Polish institutions of higher education
measuring efficiency

How to Cite

CiecioraM. (2017). An analysis of the requirements of external stakeholders and their impact on the introduction of process measures and indicators in institutions of higher education in Poland—selected issues. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 34(2), 109-119.


Tools of process management, which is considered one of the most modern management approaches, include Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), i.e. various indicators that measure performance. The research question concerns the external influences which affect the decision to implement such solutions in higher education institutions in Poland, which, in the context of market competition, are increasingly choosing solutions used in the business environment. In order to find an answer to this question, formal regulations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, as well as reports of school inspections of the Polish Accreditation Commission and information from the university websites were examined. The conclusion which can be drawn as a result is that the quantitative requirements of external stakeholders such as the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Polish Accreditation Commission are rather of a macro type and do not contain any guidance on how to measure individual processes. Schools are not, therefore, significantly stimulated to build quality management systems for the didactic process based on the precise measurement of process efficiency. It should be emphasised here, though, that the introduction of such systems has begun to take place, but is proceeding quite slowly.
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