Organizational network models - proposal for typology
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organizational network

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BarczakB. (2019). Organizational network models - proposal for typology. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 44(4), 81-94.


The aim of the article is to present the author’s proposition of typology of organizational network models. The considerations were based on the analysis of the literature on the subject of the described organizational network models and their typology, and the main part of the article is a proposal of the typology of organizational network models. The starting point was the assumption that typologies play an important role in building theory, and the concept of network is ambiguously defined and described in network theory. The multitude of features and parameters describing organizational networks indicates a large diversity of their models. The article reviews the criteria for the division and types of organizational networks in light of the literature on the subject, and presents the characteristics of organizational network models by their origin, the main mechanism explaining the functioning of the network, the method of network coordination, and the author’s typology of organizational network models due to the criterion nature and complexity of relationships appearing in them.


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