The use of IT tools and social media in customer relationship management
Okładka tom 44


customer relationship management (CRM)
database management subsystem
ERP/MRP III applications
social media
cloud computing

How to Cite

KoziołM., KaraśA., & BełzowskiP. (2019). The use of IT tools and social media in customer relationship management. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 44(4), 105-120.


The purpose of the article is to identify and characterize IT instruments and tools used in customer relationship management (CRM) and to present the results of empirical research. In particular, the article presents the essence and elements of the customer relationship management system (CRM), determines its importance in the functioning of the company and shaping business relations with stakeholders. Especially, a lot of space is devoted to a discussion on information technology in the development of CRM. A selection of more important IT tools supporting CRM are characterized, such as the database management subsystem, Internet services, social media (social CRM), cloud computing, ERP/MRP III applications and Big Data, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages and applications. The empirical section of the work contains a description, including the significance and benefits of use, of e-learning in the development of the CRM system and the conditions for its implementation.


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