The social dimension of European education
Okładka tom 18
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European education
social dimension of European education
European dimension of education
priorities of European education

How to Cite

WlochA. (2011). The social dimension of European education. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 18(1), 225-241.


The main purpose of this article was to show the social dimension of European education. This article presents the growth of the interest of education in the European Community and then in the European Union. The definitions like: European education and "European dimension of education" were the subject of detailed analysis. With the definition of European education in the broad context the main priorities of this education were associated. The last part of the paragraph presents the problem of introducing the "European dimension of education" in the Polish educational system and discusses the main assumptions of European education and possible methods of their implementation in Poland. The main research method, which was used in this study is document analysis. All the issues, which were presented, indicate the broad context, in which the European education should be considered. The article also highlighted the positive results of the European education with the social dimension and pointed out various problems, which the European education must face.
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