Use of the Marketing Information System in the enterprise as a basis for efficient management (on the example of the SME sector in the Subcarpathian Voivodeship)


marketing information system
marketing management
competitive advantage
enterprises in Poland

How to Cite

ŚlusarczykS. (2020). Use of the Marketing Information System in the enterprise as a basis for efficient management (on the example of the SME sector in the Subcarpathian Voivodeship). The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 46(2), 133-145.


Changes taking place in the business environment intensify uncertainty and are a source of potential risk. Achieving long-term and lasting success in the current times by the company, regardless of its size, requires an appropriate Marketing Information System. This system is assigned a special role in reducing uncertainty and risk and is an important basis for efficient and effective management of a modern enterprise. The Marketing Information System introduces adequate procedures, which serve in gathering, analysis, assessment and spread of needed, actual and precise information for persons responsible for taking marketing decisions. However, an essential element of MIS of modern enterprises is the marketing research subsystem. The managers’ need for a variety of information comes from their task that is a preparation of competitive strategies. Those strategies are crucial in process of creation of company’s market position. Moreover, the need of information is related to necessity of taking fast decisions by managers. The aim of the study is to analyze the activity of selected enterprises of the SME sector1 in the application of the Marketing Information System and its elements such as: development of sales forecasts, use of the Internet as a source of information and as a form of advertizing. This goal was achieved based on the survey of literature and own research results. The survey was carried out in 2018 using a questionnaire method. The research covered the management of 208 enterprises in Subcarpathian Voivodeship (Poland). For the purposes of this study, in order to expand the comparative base, large companies were also included.


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