Methods used for communicating OSH-related issues in companies
Okładka tom 32


communication in OSH management
internal communication channels in companies

How to Cite

PawłowskaZ. (2016). Methods used for communicating OSH-related issues in companies. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 32(4), 45-58.


Dynamic development of IT technologies has had a growing impact on internal communications in companies. However, some researchers dealing with communication processes claim that implementation of the new communication channels precedes the understanding of effects that their implementation brings about and theories about their impact on different organizational processes (Raeth, Zmolnik, Urbach, and Zimmer, 2009). Therefore, a question arises to what extent electronic channels of communication shall be implemented into internal company communication systems. The study has been performed in 86 companies with the aim to identify communication channels which are used and newly introduced in companies for communicating issues related to occupational safety and health (OSH) and to assess their effectiveness. According to the results of the study, the surveyed companies use most often 2–3 communication channels to provide to employees and 2 communication channels to receive from employees information on OSH-related issues. The traditional communication channels (such as formal meetings and training sessions) are most often used; at the same time, they are seen as more effective than electronic ones. The study also confirmed that implementation of an occupational safety and health management system is accompanied by development of in-company communication concerning OSH-related issues.


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