A strategic tourism knowledge base for socio-economic and environmental data analytics: The role of Big Data analysis
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knowledge base
Big Data

How to Cite

Varelas S., Kopanaki E., & Georgopoulos N. (2020). A strategic tourism knowledge base for socio-economic and environmental data analytics: The role of Big Data analysis. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 45(1), 69-76. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2020.01.6976


This research studies the application of modern practices and technologies for the collection of a large volume and variety of data, in order to develop a research knowledge base for data mining and analysis in the tourism sector and especially on Cruise and Ship Lines Passengers. Emphasis was given to the application of appropriate methods of data analysis and processing, to produce tangible results for the benefit of sustainable tourism development. Current research focuses on structuring a data warehouse for the collected information in order to apply online analytical processing techniques on the stored data, as well as data mining and data visualization. A holistic approach is proposed, along with a new model for analyzing the impact of tourism activity in general—and cruises in particular—on local society. The results will be utilized as a strategic tool for decision-making by those involved in the tourism sector of cruise areas, with ways to maximize the benefits of tourism, such as increasing overnight stays and, more broadly, passenger consumption, and ways to reduce the environmental impact of visitors and passengers in the ecosystem of cruise areas.



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