The use of mobile technologies by the elderly as challenges for innovative companies


company innovations
the elderly
silver market
mobile technologies

How to Cite

WrukowskaD. (2021). The use of mobile technologies by the elderly as challenges for innovative companies. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 49(1), 123-133.


Dynamic changes that are taking place in contemporary companies and their environment, development of information and communications technologies (ICT) create new human expectations and needs. Due to the global ageing of societies, increasingly more companies are treating the elderly as a key factor of their success, looking at innovation from the perspective of customer value and improvement of internal processes. The purpose of the article is to formulate the challenges faced by companies in the context of older people, and an attempt to define the attitudes of seniors towards innovation in the area of mobile technologies. The study is cross-sectional and can be used to create marketing strategies for managers of innovative.
companies operating on the silver consumer market.


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