Clusters as a form of cooperation and innovation on the example of the Bieszczady Cross-Border Tourism Cluster
Okładka tom 32


cross-border area

How to Cite

SalaK. (2016). Clusters as a form of cooperation and innovation on the example of the Bieszczady Cross-Border Tourism Cluster. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 32(4), 87-96.


Clusters are today one of the forms of association of small groups in a large community. They create favourable conditions for the activities of small entities whose growth potential is limited. The aim of the article is to show the importance of clusters as a means of stimulating cooperation of companies in the tourism industry. The publication is based on available literature, statistical data, as well as on websites. The article presents briefly the nature and origins of clusters. There concept of cluster has been characterized and the benefits of membership in clusters have been identified, their life cycle and division have been characterized, and the most important examples discussed. The article contains the characteristics of tourism clusters, as a special kind of interaction entities. The article shows the role of such forms of cooperation on the example of the Bieszczady Cross-Border Tourism Cluster. The research method used in the article was a critique of stationery and analysis of existing data. On the basis of the available literature books, websites and statistics, it is clear that clusters contribute to increasing market opportunities for businesses, also for those who work in the tourism industry. Publication shall also attempt to forecast the situation of clusters in the future in the face of changing economic realities.

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