Products offered by a startup and the quality of human life


quality of life
innovative product

How to Cite

ŁukasińskiW., & Nigbor-DrożdżA. (2021). Products offered by a startup and the quality of human life. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 50(2), 109-121.


The development of modern economies is determined by many factors. One of the most important is the use of the new technologies and innovations, which at the same time enable the introduction of solutions in the field of Industry 4.0. The form of organization oriented towards innovative solutions is a startup. The aim of the article is to show the relationship between the product offered by a startup and the quality of human life. It is important how and on what levels startups function in today’s reality and how their activities can affect the quality of human life. The implementation of the chosen goals was possible thanks to the study of the literature on the subject and the conduct of a questionnaire survey. The work also presents a case study of a Polish startup, the product of which is an innovative solution that can be used when ordering meals online for employees. The offered product affects the quality of users’ work, making it easier for them to order and plan a meal at work. In addition to saving the time needed to prepare a meal or go to a restaurant to eat it, it should be reflected in their well-being or work efficiency. The survey provided information on how online ordering of meals is perceived by application users.


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