The minimum wage in Poland and its connection to unemployment: Evaluating causality


labour market
Granger causality
Toda-Yamamoto approach
minimum wage

How to Cite

SikoraA. (2021). The minimum wage in Poland and its connection to unemployment: Evaluating causality. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 50(2), 65-77.


The paper’s primary goal is the evaluation of the relationship between minimum wage, employment, and unemployment in Poland in the past two decades. It presents an overview of theoretical aspects of minimum wages, the main motivations behind its implementation, as well as potential negative consequences. The minimum wage in Poland is presented in comparison to other European Union countries. Finally, using a Toda-Yamamoto approach and quarterly data covering the years 2002–2019, the Granger causality between the Kaitz index and selected labour market indicators is examined. The results indicate the presence of unidirectional Granger causality between the Kaitz index and the general unemployment rate. It does not indicate similar relationships for other examined indicators, including employment rate and youth unemployment rate.


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