Work conditions and work relations versus the quality of the functioning of an organisation
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working conditions
work relations
quality of human resources
human capital

How to Cite

ŁukasinskiW. (2016). Work conditions and work relations versus the quality of the functioning of an organisation. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 30(2), 69-79.


: The functioning of an organisation in a dynamically changeable and complex surroundings requires the systematic improvement of competences conditioning the growth of its competitiveness. The main factor deciding about the possibility of undertaking effective and efficient activities conditioning the use of emerging opportunities and the avoidance of threats and dangers is the possessed human capital. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to orient towards the quality of working conditions and work relations which, to a great extent, decide about the possibility of the development of human capital and, as a consequence, the  improvement of the results achieved by an organisation. The aim of the article is to take up the attempt to present the expectations of various generations of professionally active workers as for the quality of conditions and work relations in an organisation. By means of an analysis of the literature, the author makes an overview of the expectations of a modern worker (various age groups of the Polish people), as well as the existing possibilities. The effect of the author’s work is an attempt to define challenges for the functioning of contemporary organisations, an overview of the expectations of those professionally active towards a potential employer and the relations between working conditions and work relations and the quality of an organisation’s functioning.
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