Local e-government models: A comparative and critical overview
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local e-government
digital governance
level of maturity
local administration
websites management

How to Cite

BailoaS. I. R. (2018). Local e-government models: A comparative and critical overview. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 40(4), 95-114. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2018.04.95114


Over the last decades, local public administrations have looked for new ways of providing public services through Internet developing e-government projects. To achieve information about the progress of these projects several models have been developed to assess and classify e-government websites of cities and municipalities. This paper intends to identify the model that analyzes the process of local e-government, checking the main contributions in the literature. From the analysis of literature it was possible to identify two sets of approaches, on the one hand, the studies that analyze the levels of maturity of e-government process, and on the other hand, some works that intend to describe the practices of electronic governance. The research made it possible to verify that approaches with technological focus are dominant, underestimating important aspects of public administration management.



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