Effectiveness of e-learning courses ― criteria and methods of assessment
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efficiency of training
financial models
behavioural models
intellectual capital Kryteria i metody oceny efektywności szkoleń e-learningowych

How to Cite

WozniakM., & KoziolM. (2012). Effectiveness of e-learning courses ― criteria and methods of assessment. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 21(2), 181-195. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2012.02.181195


This article presents the nature and essential features of traditional and e-learning employee training as well as the significance of both methods for development of organizations and their employees. It defines the assessment of effectiveness and efficiency of training and describes financial and behavioural models used to assess efficiency of employee courses and to measure intellectual capital. Among traditional methods applied to assess effectiveness of training the article presents Kirkpatrick’s model, Hamblin’s model, Philips’ method, C-I-P-O technique, and the devised by Karl-Erik Sveiby Intangible Asset Monitor which appropriately modified by adding several indicators proposed in the article may serve in a company to assess e-learning efficiency analysed in the context of multi-criteria assessment of the company’s performance. The mentioned research tools are complemented by presentation of modern solutions, with particular consideration given to Dobija’s financial model of human capital measurement and Choy’s behavioural model devised to assess e-learning efficiency in companies. It has been concluded that the methods may function as autonomous e-learning assessment system. They can also substantially complement the system of measurement of objective nature included for example in the mentioned Intangible Asset Monitor or the Balanced Scorecard method.

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