Assessment of the usefulness of software applications for estimating human energy expenditure in workplace organization
Okładka tom 40


energy expenditure
computer aided analysis
workplace organization

How to Cite

Polak-SopińskaA., MączewskaA., & KalinowskaP. (2018). Assessment of the usefulness of software applications for estimating human energy expenditure in workplace organization. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 40(4), 63-78.


The paper presents an assessment of the practicability of four software applications selected from those available in the Polish market to estimate and analyze energy expenditure in the context of their usefulness in design and organization of workplace in enterprises operating in Poland. Research questions are formulated, physiological, regulatory and functional guidelines are discussed, based on which assessment criteria are developed. Presented are averaged results of the rating performed independently by three experts and five occupational safety and health officers employed at different manufacturing plants. The study showed that none of the applications satisfied a majority of the developed criteria at once. They are mainly useful for estimating energy expenditure for male workers but they do not provide a full representation of compliance with the current statutory regulations. Further, independent analysis based on the records of generated results is either incomplete or hindered by the imposed way of value entry which requires that additional calculations be first performed. Based on the results of a comparative analysis of the functionalities offered by the applications, guidelines for software applications yet to be developed for estimating and analysis of human energy expenditure at the workplace are proposed.


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