Assessment of the level of management and labour productivity on the basis of accounting report data
Okładka tom 28


production function
base salary
bonus salary
level of management
labour productivity
human capital

How to Cite

KoziołW., & RudnickiW. (2015). Assessment of the level of management and labour productivity on the basis of accounting report data. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 28(4), 97-109.


The aim of following work is to present the level of management and labour productivity indicator as tools of assessing the work of company administration and its effectiveness as a whole. These indicators have been derived from production function whose form reflects the natural process of composing generative factors. These factors include traditionally understood assets and human resources. Consequently, the applied production model uses both the data of traditional calculation of costs and the calculation of human capital, which is a very dynamically developing area of economical science. Additionally, this model allows assessing the contribution of human capital in the economical effect of an enterprise, and consequently enables determining the level of remuneration of the human capital. The latter functionality, together with the theory of basic salary adequate to the value of individual human capital, is the basis for the system of bonuses based on financial effects of a unit. The above assumptions have been verified in the work on the basis of a practical example.


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