Selected aspects of the body culture in hotel enterprises
Okładka tom 17


cultural aspects
hotel enterprise
Opole Voivodeship

How to Cite

PuciatoD. (2011). Selected aspects of the body culture in hotel enterprises. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 17(1), 193-202.


Organisational culture is one of the most important aspects of management in modern enterprises, related especially strongly with the strategy of the organisation and its human resources. The issues of organisational culture seem to be of special importance in reference to tourist enterprises, including hotel ones. Tourism is related to spatial mobility of people which is due to voluntary change of the place of stay. A major part of tourist traffic is also of international nature and applies to tourists moving to the countries which are not their countries of residence. Thus, intending to meet the needs of tourists from various countries, hotel enterprises must take the cultural aspect into consideration. Therefore, their organisational culture must be based on such values as tolerance, hospitality, flexibility, innovativeness or the skill of combining tradition with modernity. The objective of the paper was to characterise selected aspects of organisational culture in hotel enterprises in the Opole Voivodeship. The analysis covered 20 hotel enterprises. Empirical material was collected with diagnostic survey with a questionnaire of organisational culture by Lidia Zbiegień-Maciąg as the research tool. The results of the research were used to determine the average profile of organisational standards in hotel enterprises. The respondents best valued creation of relations with clients by the enterprises and innovative nature of the offered tourist products. In the respondents’ opinion, much attention is also paid to the quality of the offered products and good interpersonal relations within the enterprise. Viewing the research results in the light of the Harrison typology, the organisational culture of the analysed hotel enterprises is based on tasks and people. In the time of progressing globalisation and internationalisation of many national economies, the shaping of the proper organisational culture may be expected to be one of more important objectives in modern hotel enterprises in the future.


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