Motorway construction risks and how to manage them by insurance
Okładka tom 13 cz. 3
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investment risk
risk management
risks in investment process
risks in motorway

How to Cite

Bac M. (1). Motorway construction risks and how to manage them by insurance. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 13(2), 107-121.


The article refers to the risks connected with carrying out the investment process (mostly construction investments, motorway ones in particular) and how to manage them (mostly by insurance). Particular attention has been paid to the motorway construction in the section between Kraków and Tarnów. The work shows basic ideas that refer to a risk and its broad classification; also examples of risks in the motorway construction have been described along with effects of their accomplishments. In the process of risk management, the attention has been paid to the factors increasing the chance of the risk occurrence in the motorway construction and some methods of how to limit them. Insurance as the tool has been introduced, which will make it possible to cover financial results of accomplishing the risk, also insurance products offered by the Polish Insurers have been introduced, which will cover the analysed section.
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