Human Resources Management concept in terms of an increase in innovativeness of employees
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employee involvement
employee interests

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GabletaM., & BodakA. (2014). Human Resources Management concept in terms of an increase in innovativeness of employees. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 24(1), 95-102.


Considering an increase in innovativeness requires more focus put on the personal aspect of a company, according to the maxim: ‘innovativeness through people’. We found it reasonable to use the Human Resources Management concept to determine action rules and procedures. Particular emphasis was put on high performance work systems (HPWS). High Involvement Work Practices, which are a kind of these systems, were applied to showcase possibilities and directions of the aforementioned actions, meanwhile applying the employee innovative behaviours development formula to interest-oriented management. The presented results of empirical research on employee involvement determiners, including those related to fulfilling their needs, were used to highlight key management practices (pillars). They are fundamental for the HIWP architecture. It was discovered that an individual, comprehensive, contextual and configuration approach has to be taken in formulating them. An increase in innovativeness requires relying on an appropriate configuration of HRM pillars, complimentary to the whereabouts of functioning of an organization.
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