Tourist attractiveness of natural goods in Polish forests
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forest tourism
forest tourism functions
tourism product
making forests accessible
tourism infrastructure
tourism absorptive and carrying capacity

How to Cite

MuszynskiZ., & KoziolL. (2013). Tourist attractiveness of natural goods in Polish forests. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 22(1), 87-102.


The environment of forest areas is characterized by its unique and one-of-a-kind tourism qualities, which enable the development of forest tourism. This article presents the concept of forest tourism with the definition of its essence and functions, specifying the components of the forest tourism product and the areas (destinations) of forest tourism as well as tools for their promotion. The issue of forest natural values is also relatively extensively presented. Attention is drawn to intangible values of forests; characteristic marvels of forest environments, which attract in particular the population of cites and industrial areas. The necessity of partial limitation of access to forests is indicated with a description of particular categories of forests, which are established most of all according to nature protection and preservation of their natural biodiverse habitats for future generations. From the scientific point of view, the dynamic growth of tourism and recreation results in the necessity of protecting the areas of outstanding natural and sightseeing qualities. In order to prevent excessive and damaging trampling of forests, tourist traffic should be controlled by the State Forests National Forest Holding, by adequate rates of tourism absorptive and carrying capacity, as well as common access to trails and paths, overlooks, campsites, car parks etc.
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