Holistic approach to the decision-making process
Okładka tom 22


decision-making process
human resources
employees participation in decision-making

How to Cite

KhmilF. (2013). Holistic approach to the decision-making process. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 22(1), 35-44. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2013.01.3544


The primary purpose of management – among the general theoretic and practical positions – is developing, making and organizing the implementation of optimal management decisions. The article provides an analysis of currently operating method of development and making of management decisions. On the basis of this study, it is concluded that the role of management employees in this process is quite passive. The effective economic activity depends first of all on intellectual, creative and professional potential of all employees, both leaders and functional managers as well as other specialists that are able to come up with creative ideas, develop and implement them. An organization conducts the activity as successfully as enterprising and competent are its employees. Under these terms it follows to completely change the management decisions development and making process both in relation to organization of this process and stimulation of management professionals’ participation. In principle the new stages of the suggested model of management decision development are the following: attraction of subordinates to the exposure of problem in the organization activity; competition between management employees for a right to develop management decisions; informing the subordinates by a leader about the criteria of evaluation of the decision project quality; proper financial and nonfinancial stimulation of authors of the decision selected for implementation.



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