Assessment aspects and criteria of corporate management systems
Okładka tom 16


management system
diagnosis of management systems
examination aspects of management systems (target-oriented, subjective, structural, functional, instrumental)
assessment criteria of management systems

How to Cite

StabryłaA. (2010). Assessment aspects and criteria of corporate management systems. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 16(2), 125-135.


The aim of the article is to present the framework concept of the diagnostic research, based on the formula of five aspects of determining the management system. The following aspects have been distinguished: appropriate, subjective, structural, functional and instrumental. The aspects form the cognitive model which, along with the management field (being a kind of activities or resources) constitutes the subject of diagnosis. In the diagnostic research—interpreted in universal context—the general task is to assess the actual condition of a given facility, be it an enterprise, a strategy being executed, any process or system. The diagnosis can be extended by the assessment of external factors which made up of the surroundings of the facility being examined. The presented concept is oriented on the assessment of management systems and it is recommended to use the multi-criterion approach, within the framework of the aspects listed below. The approach has a decisive substantial advantage over one-criterion approaches, which leads to the postulate of binding the individual assessment criteria into a complementary system. It is a problem of the quantitative and qualitative selection of assessment criteria and their aggregation. In connection with the above, the subsequent points of the article present the following questions:

− directions of research on management systems;

− the notion of the corporate management system as a collective category;

− the five-aspect model of corporate management systems (CMS);

− aspects of examination of the corporate management systems;

− the essence of the multi-aspect diagnosis of the corporate management systems;

− an overview of the assessment criteria of the corporate management systems.


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