Entrepreneur’s business models
Okładka tom 16


components of business model
ownership structure
owner classification
business model
owner’s supervision
enterprise management
supervision system in an enterprise

How to Cite

KoziołL. (2010). Entrepreneur’s business models. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 16(2), 57-77. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2010.02.5777


The article presents a discussion around the essence and meaning of the entrepreneur’s business model and its components. Further, the article provides and characterises seven classification systems that cover all the features of corporate owners: legal status, economic goal, contribution to the realisation of a business idea, investment horizon, participatory rate, attitude to risk and the most important—theirs role in creating business model. The article characterises the dualistic and monistic system of management and supervision in an enterprise. It stresses their grave importance for the owner’s supervision, as well as for operations of the enterprise. Through a comparative analysis of both systems the conditions of applying them are indicated, as are the assumptions to use one of them.



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