Lifestyle as a factor shaping the consumer behaviour on the tourist market
Okładka tom 14
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consumer behaviours

How to Cite

RudnickiL. (2009). Lifestyle as a factor shaping the consumer behaviour on the tourist market. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 14(3), 11-19.


In the market economy the consumer is in the centre of attention. Their market decisions determine the success of an enterprise manufacturing and selling products. The knowledge of the consumer behaviour and factors which shape it form the basis for formulating the marketing strategy of an enterprise. The importance of individual factors shaping the consumer behaviour on the market varies. One of the most important ones is lifestyle. The article testifies to the role of lifestyle in shaping the consumer behaviour on the market. It quotes the definitions of lifestyle and their classifications. It also characterises consumers representing different lifestyles. The article indicates differences in market behaviours of these consumers as well.
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