Health aspects of involutionary changes of blood pressure and heart rate of women and men between 21-60 years of age
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How to Cite

ŻychowskaM., GawinekM., NowakM., & ZakM. (2009). Health aspects of involutionary changes of blood pressure and heart rate of women and men between 21-60 years of age. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 14(3), 231-244.


Aim of work: The aim of this experiment was to determine ontogenetic changes of adult women's and men's blood pressure and heart rate within the population with low SES. Material and methods: our work made use of examination results of 142 women and 97 men ― habitants of southern Lublin Voivodeship. The examined were divided into 3 age group: 21-30, 31-40, 41-50 and 51-60. We measured pressure and heart rate. Our results were subject to the statistic analysis, average values and those of the standard deviation were calculated for all the age groups, as well as the dimorphism index. Results and conclusion: the results of the experiment indicate worrying changes in blood pressure in men independently of the age group. We recorded a more regular increase in women's blood pressure and pathological changes appear only in the oldest age group. Non-standard changes in hearth rate were not found. WD index of blood pressure diminished along with age of the examined.
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