The impact of advertising on consumers' behaviour on the market
Okładka tom 4
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advertising efficiency
consumer behaviour
consumer decision
consumer motivation
consumer research

How to Cite

BerbekaJ. (2001). The impact of advertising on consumers’ behaviour on the market. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (4), 81-90.


The paper presents the impact of advertising on consumers' behaviour on the market. It stresses that in the time of constantly appearing new products and their on-going improvements and modifications, both producers and sellers are forced to use various methods of persuading the consumers that only their products are able to fully satisfy all consumers' needs. One of the most commonly used means of influencing the buyers is advertising. Big expansion of the advertising activities on the Polish market does impact consumers' behaviour. They perceive advertising not only as the source of information about the market offer but also as the new integral element of the market. The observations and analyses of the reactions of Polish customers to the advertising will facilitate the evaluation of the processes of adaptation to the conditions of the market economy.
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