Electronic signature and the security of electronic economy
Okładka tom 4
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digital signature
computer data protection
safety management

How to Cite

ProćS. (2001). Electronic signature and the security of electronic economy. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (4), 161-169. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2001.01.161169


The paper presents the electronic signature as a basic factor of the data transmission security, and as one of more important factors having an influence on the development of e-economy. The features of a manual signature and an electronic signature are compared, definitions as well as attributes of electronic signatures are recommended in the directive of the European Community: "Directive on a Community framework for electronic signatures" of a December 1999. The procedure of creation and verification of electronic signature as well as the method of authentication by means of electronic certificates are presented.

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