Development of the marketing orientations of Polish banks
Okładka tom 4
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bank marketing
banking sector
banking services
marketing strategy
bank consolidation

How to Cite

MariaM. (2001). Development of the marketing orientations of Polish banks. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (4), 31-49.


The objective of the article is to present the analysis of the Polish banks' situation throughout 1989-1998 and their place in the development of the marketing strategy. In particular the paper discusses the conditions necessary for the development of the marketing strategy in Polish banks. The development period has been split into several stages, which have been characterised and evaluated in consideration of the marketing orientation. The paper also analyses the competitive position of the Polish banks in respect to their potential, specialisation and the preferences of the potential bank services customers, at the thresholds of entering the European Union. A lot of attention has been put to discuss the directions of the development of new bank technologies and their usefulness in supporting pro-customer approach with special focus on the importance of human factors in banks. The paper has been finalised with conclusions and creation of the feasibility model for the development of the technology and personnel competence in the Polish banks.
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