Marketing of services - characteristics
Okładka tom 4
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service marketing
service enterprise

How to Cite

Renata ŻabaR. Żaba. (2001). Marketing of services - characteristics. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (4), 63-72.


The article handles a very important problem related to functioning of a service company and marketing activities specific for this kind of business. It draws the attention to the increasing importance of the service sector in the market economy both in Poland and abroad. The article points out the specific character of services, where the activities and benefits that one party is offering to another do not lead to any form of ownership. The characteristics of services create specific problems and require a relevant strategy. The service provider has to find the means to give a tangible form to intangible products. Service sector usually lags behind the manufacturing industry in the field of formulating and using the marketing strategies but this situation is gradually changing following the faster and faster development of service businesses.
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