The influence of consumer ethnocentrism on the development of the international marketing strategies
Okładka tom 4
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mass marketing
multinational enterprise
international marketing strategies
globalization of enterprise activity
corporation strategies
cultural framework of consumption
consumer behaviour

How to Cite

FigielA. (2001). The influence of consumer ethnocentrism on the development of the international marketing strategies. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (4), 143-150.


The article stresses the practical - ethical aspect of business considered within the framework of the economic system created by the government, which has to create a clear set of regulations required for the operation of the social security system, environment protection, ensuring the honesty in the banking system, preventing arms exporting - in compliance with the responsibility for all the citizens and future generations. However, one of the main duties of the state is to ensure the conditions of fair and sound competition on the market. Full implementation of this task will first of all benefit these companies that will apply moral attitudes and values due to the general social acceptance of their activities. It has been noticed that in consideration of the lack of the adequate amount of information, the companies should use periodical analyses in order to better understand the trends related to customers' attitudes in different parts of the world and most effectively adopt the instruments of marketing mix, especially those most sensitive to the cultural aspects, i.e. communications and promotion, to the market conditions prevailing in different countries and regions.
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