System of motivating employees as determinant of enterprise development
Okładka tom 13 cz. 2
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How to Cite

GrabowskaI. (2009). System of motivating employees as determinant of enterprise development. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 13(2), 363-371.


In the contemporary world effective management of an organization and creating its future have become the domain of the people, who are its employees and represent its capital. Stocks and financial resources, their quality and effects they bring, depend on the people who use them to make products and services, which are willingly purchased by customers. Among many functions of managing human resources, one of the most important roles is motivation, aiming at proper development of motivation and conducting it in such a way so that the employees could be properly involved in their work and duties. The aim of this article is to show a variety of factors, called motivating factors, which are used in management and verification of the thesis, that only properly formulated and implemented motivating policy assures the right realization of the aims set by an enterprise. The basic issue conditioning the efficient use of motivating systems is adapting them to the external and internal environment of a corporation. It means giving the corporation adaptation abilities and absorbing changes in both external and internal environment.
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