Servqual method in evaluating quality of property insurance service to individual customers
Okładka tom 39
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service quality
property insurance
tolerance area
total quality

How to Cite

PrzybytniowskiJ. W. (2018). Servqual method in evaluating quality of property insurance service to individual customers. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 39(3), 85-101.


The paper discusses methods of measuring the quality of property insurance service offered to an individual customer, including the Servqual method. The knowledge of this method is extremely important in the context of systematically changing requirements, as well as customers preferences. The universality of this method causes that it is widely used in services. In the paper there are both reservations and advantages given by a group of researchers. The diagnosis was made as to the quality of property insurance service offered to individual customers in the Małopolska Voivodship. Some discrepancies were determined between perceptions and expectations of individual customers as to the quality of property insurance service and the level of the service which they were able to accept, i.e. the tolerance area.
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