Sport games as an efficient form of physical recreation
Okładka tom 15
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physical activeness
physical fitness
sport games
physical recreation
the value of sport games

How to Cite

ZakS. (2010). Sport games as an efficient form of physical recreation. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 15(1), 113-124.


This article has a form of a review. The analysis of the physical activeness of Polish society and the change tendencies in this matter has been conducted on the basis of the reference books available. The reasons and consequences of the increasing tendency towards hypokinesia, especially amongst children and adolescents, has been also discussed. The focus has been put on the notion of the sport games’ value as an excellent form of physical recreation in a person’s life. A special attention has been given to the biological-health, social-cultural and physical-motor aspects of sport games in the children’s and adolescents’ physical education. Some postulates have been formulated that concern social issues, programmes and policy of popularization of those sport disciplines in the general physical education.
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