Pearl of the Mediterranean Sea – Majorca
Okładka tom 15
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La Seu Cathedral
Frederick Chopin
Dragon Caves
Lluc Sanctuary
SWOT analysis

How to Cite

NazimekK. (2010). Pearl of the Mediterranean Sea – Majorca. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 15(1), 183-200.


The first part of the article analyses briefly selected tourist attractions of Majorca. Tourists traveling to the island are drawn not only to the beautiful, sandy, and stony beaches, picturesque bays, but also the scenic national park and caves. The island, however, is not only admired for those qualities but for its historical traditions which left behind monuments – both secular and sacral. This place is worth visiting for its spending culture and art and also for the customs and habits of the local communities. The second part of the article contains an analysis of tourist infrastructure and a strategic planning method (SWOT analysis). Majorca has an alluring quality that attracts tourists and makes them return frequently.
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