Preferences of the Tarnów urbanised area students within the active forms of motor recreation
Okładka tom 15
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students’ free-time interests
physical activity
recreational physical activity

How to Cite

Ciucmanski B., & StanekL. (2010). Preferences of the Tarnów urbanised area students within the active forms of motor recreation. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 15(1), 103-111.


As a result of the transformations which have appeared in our country over the last 20 years, both in social and economic area and in social awareness, the need of active leisure and its health effect have become increasingly appreciated. However, it is a complex issue as it regards various social groups. Perhaps the most interesting group is that of students whose free-time interests are often likely to change and their development in the period of ontogenesis undoubtedly influences their life prospects. Thus, the aim of this paper is an attempt to describe the attitude of students from Tarnów towards recreational activities including deliberate patterns of behavior in this regard.
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