Recreational activities of children and young people in the rural environment
Okładka tom 15
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leisure time
recreational activities
school children

How to Cite

StanekL., & CiucmanskiB. (2010). Recreational activities of children and young people in the rural environment. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 15(1), 149-157.


Leisure time, as an important category of active life of modern societies, emerged only in the nineteenth century and since then its dimension and importance has been growing. Nowadays, free time is interpreted in different ways. Commonly it is treated as the time which requires rational and intentional planning. Free time which is properly used brings many benefits, not only personal but also social, as it allows for the maintenance of mental and physical health and especially for the enrichment of one's own personality and identity. Forming the needs and the right attitude to active and meaningful leisure time activities should already be initiated in childhood, hence the aim of this paper is to attempt to determine the behavior of recreational leisure activities of children and young people in rural areas.
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