Analysis of membership function convergence in fuzzy time series
Okładka tom 7
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fuzzy sets
system dynamics model ling
membership function

How to Cite

UrbanW. (2005). Analysis of membership function convergence in fuzzy time series. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (7), 157-167.


The paper presents the results of research on the convergence towards a limit form of membership functions in fuzzy time series, generated with difference equations, that is due to deterministic chaos occurrence. A particularly important tool seems to be an analysis of a scalar series of fields beneath a graph representing a variable membership function of the above mathematical models. This is done by defuzzyfying the above-mentioned time series. It appears possible to approximate the series variability with an exponential function. However, it should be done by means of simulation experiments in order to formulate theoretical conclusions, as an alternative to difficult, complicated analytical research.
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