Applying perceptron-based neural networks in property valuation
Okładka tom 7
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neural networks
economic process modeling
real estate valuation

How to Cite

MorajdaJ. (2005). Applying perceptron-based neural networks in property valuation. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (7), 101-108.


The article presents a method for applying a system of multi-layer perceptron-based neural networks, trained to implement a classification task, in the field of property valuation. The presented method, rooted in the ability of such networks to approximate the probability of input vector membership in a defined class, makes it possible to assess a probability density distribution for property prices instead of an output in the form of a single price. The generated neural model was used for research based on a set of data concerning property prices in Boston area. The article includes research results and conclusions supporting viability of the approach.
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