Corporate Social Responsibility in large companies in the city of Karlovac
Okładka tom 25


corporate social responsibility
enterprise strategy
sustainable development

How to Cite

VaricakI. (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility in large companies in the city of Karlovac. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 25(2), 211-219.


Due to the growing social consciousness and public pressure as well as legislation, the business sector is challenged to base its existence and development on the principles of sustainable development. The concept of sustainable development has emerged due to the growing problem of inequality in the world as well as global environmental problems. It aims to achieve balance between economic, social and environmental requirements so that future generations would not have to  withhold because of the actions of present generations. Companies that actively participate in resolving the environmental, social and ethical issues are considered to be socially responsible companies. Basic areas of consideration in socially responsible companies are environmental protection and welfare of employees, as well as welfare of local communities and society as a whole. This paper deals with the concept of sustainable development and the application of its principles in companies in Karlovac County. It also seeks for an answer whether large companies in Karlovac County have strategic approach to corporate social responsibility.


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